Via Corda du jardin d’Endieu avec Kayacorde

Via corda is an acrobatic course in cliff on the heights of fabulous gorges. We progress along a rope in a 100% natural environment, alternating between easy climbing, monkey bridge, zipline, cave, river & abseiling. Original experience. From 8 years old.

By |February 27th, 2025|Comments Off on Via Corda du jardin d’Endieu avec Kayacorde

Climbing – Bureau des Moniteurs d’Ardèche Méridionale

"This time we’re leaving from the bottom! Attached to your rope, you will have to find holds to climb to the top of these beautiful limestone cliffs, where you’ll have the reward of a breathtaking view of our beautiful natural landscapes."

By |February 10th, 2025|Comments Off on Climbing – Bureau des Moniteurs d’Ardèche Méridionale