Canoeing from Vogüé/Balazuc to St Martin d’Ardèche – 56 km / 4 days with Canoës Service
Four days to discover a listed village, the Pont d'Arc and the Ardèche Gorges Nature Reserve, with two nights camping and a bivouac - now that's adventure!
Canoeing from Vallon to Sauze – 10 + 24 km / 2 days with l’Arche de Noé
2 intense days of navigation to discover the best of the river! Day 1 will be punctuated by rapids, slides and the passage under the Pont d'Arc. Day 2 will still feature rapids, but surrounded by the sheer cliffs of the Ardèche Gorges.
Canyon de la Haute Ardèche avec Cimes et Canyons
From the age of 7, plunge into the heart of aquatic fun! Jumps, slides, whatever you fancy... A fun, friendly way to get back to your roots.
2 days – 37 km with Locacano Sports
Departure on request, generally between 11:00 and 13:00, to one of the two bivouac areas, Gaud (1/3 of the way along) or Gournier (halfway along). Don't forget to reserve your tickets at the tourist office.
Canyon kids avec la Base canyon de la Besorgues
Take your first steps in canyoning with this fun package that will give you and your family a great time in the heart of the Besorgues valley.
2 days – 32 km with Locacano Sports
Departure on request, generally between 11:00 and 13:00, to one of the two bivouac areas, Gaud (1/3 of the way along) or Gournier (halfway along). Don't forget to reserve your tickets with the head office.