Maison de la Lavande Ardèche / Producer-Distiller & Museum

Climb aboard the Lavender Train for a ride through the fields, then plunge into the enchanting world of lavender with the 360° immersive room, the scent room and stills, followed by live essential oil distillation.

By |March 12th, 2025|Comments Off on Maison de la Lavande Ardèche / Producer-Distiller & Museum

Remains of the Royal Bastide

Discover the remains of the Bastide Royale, in the heart of Villeneuve de Berg The Bastide Royale was created in 1284 by a deed of betrothal between Philippe III le Hardi, King of France, and the Abbot of Mazan. This established royal justice over the whole of the Bas Vivarais and built a new town with its ramparts, its corner towers, its war gate or gate of honour adorned with the coat of arms of the town, its royal house, now the town hall (under the courtroom you can visit the prisons). Ancient sundials can be seen in the streets of the village.

By |July 9th, 2024|Comments Off on Remains of the Royal Bastide