Via Corda du jardin d’Endieu avec Kayacorde

Via corda is an acrobatic course in cliff on the heights of fabulous gorges. We progress along a rope in a 100% natural environment, alternating between easy climbing, monkey bridge, zipline, cave, river & abseiling. Original experience. From 8 years old.

By |November 28th, 2024|Comments Off on Via Corda du jardin d’Endieu avec Kayacorde

NaturopatheArdèche Naturopathy and Plantar Reflexology at home with Cécile Bourdin

I offer you support in naturopathy and reflexology, directly at your home. Passionate about natural well-being and the harmonious functioning of the body, I help you find and maintain your overall balance.

By |November 26th, 2024|Comments Off on NaturopatheArdèche Naturopathy and Plantar Reflexology at home with Cécile Bourdin