Chirols producers market

Home/Gastronomy/Weekly Markets/Chirols producers market
Regional products: poultry, meat, cheeses, fruits and vegetables, fruit juices, jams, beers, bread and snacks from the oven ... The Co'pains will regularly offer entertainment and shows. Free participation. From 10 to 30 sellers.
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At the poster of the happy craftsmen: forge, mosaic, wood, couture creation, basketry …
happy producers: vegetables, berries, juices, eggs, poultry pork and lamb meat, cold cuts, goat cheese and ewes, trout, jams, cream chestnuts, medicinal plants, herbal tea, leavened organic bread, brioches ….
Free space available: “Soon the summer, need to lighten up? Come swap your superfluous clothes where to offer to your neighbor.Ouvert to all, without exchange of money or services.”

Regular animations after the market


From 03/05 to 18/10, every Friday between 5.30 pm and 8 pm.


  • AdressPont-de-Veyrières
    07380 Chirols
  • Contact04 75 94 40 11
  • E-mailContact us by e-mail
  • Web siteAccess to the site
  • GPS coordinatesLatitude : 44.688
    Longitude : 4.2833


Free access.
