Ver à soie Musée – Magnanerie

Silkworms once wove a prosperous economic fabric that everyone shared. Discover the silkworm’s story of the natural world as well as its economic and social history (films, model, various objects...) At the silk farm, the entire process of traditional silkworm breeding, from the egg to the butterfly.

By |December 30th, 2024|Comments Off on Ver à soie Musée – Magnanerie

Néovinum: Immerse yourself in the world of Vignerons Ardéchois!

- Step into the wonderful world of Ardeche wine - Take part in a fun and interactive tour from vine to glass - Indulge in a tasting, learn about oenology and food and wine pairings This is a unique experience to share with your family or friends !

By |January 1st, 2025|Comments Off on Néovinum: Immerse yourself in the world of Vignerons Ardéchois!